I am working as an assistant professor on Normative Ethics and the Digital Society at the University of Groningen. I completed my PhD at the University of Groningen, followed by a 2-year postdoc at TU Delft. My research interests cover various topics, including metaethics, meaningful human control, conceptual engineering, epistemic dependence, metasemantics, and belief revision. Before transitioning to philosophy, I earned a BSc. in Computer Science and worked as a software engineer and project manager in IT.

My current research focuses on conceptual engineering, (technological and social) responsibility gaps, meaningful human control and the metaethics of value learning. My research has been published in internationally leading journals, such as Mind, Synthese, Inquiry, American Philosophical Quarterly, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, Philosophy and Technology, Ethics and Information Technology and Minds and Machines.
- Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen.
- Ethics Committee for Data and Technology of the City of Groningen
- Team member Centre for Meaningful Human Control
- Jantina Tammes School (JTS) Scholar
- Past Fellow of the Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies programme (ESDiT)
- Member of Humane AI Sectorplan
Former Affiliations
- Post-doc at Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Section, at the TU Delft.
- Coordinator of the Design for Values Methods research theme of the Delft Digital Ethics Centre (DDEC)
- Core Member of the AiTech project from the TU Delft.